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Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some frequently asked questions for supporting young people with disabilities into future education or employment. If your question isn't listed below, get in touch with us using the contact form at the bottom of the page.
How do I get my organisation or service added to the site?If you would like your organisation or service added to the platform, contact Please include your organisation/service name, a short overview of what you do, the age range you work with and your contact details.
Are there any criteria that an organisation or service has to meet to be included on the platform?Please contact to discuss further
Are all organisations OFSTED or Disability Confident registered?Yes, everyone included on the platform is Disability Confident or has an OFSTED status or equivalent. The logos for the schemes the organisation or service is a part of are included on the organisation page.
Is this platform only for students from Creating Tomorrow schools and Hospital & Outreach education services?No, the use of the platform isn't restricted to creating tomorrow students and NHOE students. We created the platform for use across the whole SEND community, both in Northamptonshire and out of the county. Please be aware that we are based in Northamptonshire, so the information may be based on how things work in Northamptonshire; we will clarify this where we can.
When do we need to apply for a post 16-18 destination?Applications for post 16 and post 18 options need to be done between November and December of the year your child starts Year 11 for post 16 or Year 13 for post 18. You will receive a letter or email from the EHCP team. The application will be a one-page form you need to complete with the young person's input. The form will ask you to state the post 16 and post 18 options your child wants to attend the following September. If transport arrangements are needed, speak directly with the provider, as some offer transport. If the provider doesn't supply transport, you can apply for transport through your local county council. You can find information for the School Transport Assistance in Northamptonshire can be found here. For the transport to be in place for September, you must apply by May (this will vary between counties).
What are the entry requirements?Organisations and services will have their own entry requirements. We plan to list everything we can on the organisation pages, but we recommend checking with the individual providers. You may find it helpful to speak to the head of post 16, SENDCO or the learning disabilities department at your child's current school.
How do I find out what funding and bursary options I am eligible for?This information is available from the organisation or service. For further information about the cost implications, it is best to contact them. Within each setting, there usually is a dedicated person to support you with funding and bursary options. For government funding options, please see the information below: Access to Work - Funding PIP - Personal Independence Payment Adult social Services - Direct payment application
Where do I go for further information?Local Offer ( The local offer can support by: Provide information for families with children who have a special educational need or disability. Improve choice and transparency for these families. Help professionals to understand the range of services and provision available locally. Improve joint commissioning arrangements for services by setting out (in a single place) what is available locally. The Local Offer team work closely with the Northamptonshire Parent Forum Group (NPFG) and the Information Advice and Support Service (IASS) to provide the information that families want. The Shooting Stars focus group support the Local Offer team with advice and opinions, and also proofread our easy read guides.
If I am finding it difficult making a decision, who can I speak to?"Many providers and schools have a dedicated person to help you with making future decisions. This person may be called a career leader, transition lead, SENDCO, personal guidance practitioner, head of department or form tutor. If you are concerned your child may not engage in post 16 education, you can do a direct referral to Prospects (Northamptonshire).
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