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Information Advice Support Service

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Northamptonshire’s Information, Advice and Support Service is a  statutory service which is run at ‘arm’s length’ from the Local Authority and provides free, confidential, impartial advice, guidance  and support to parents of children with special educational needs and children and young people with SEND.

It aims to promote good working relationships between children, young  people, parents, education settings and the Local Authority, whilst seeking to  empower them to play an active and informed role in their child’s education.

We can support parents, carers, children and young  people in a number of ways. We provide a range of flexible services  which include training, referral to other statutory and voluntary  agencies, access to local and national support groups, telephone support  and face to face meetings.

The information, advice and support the IAS Service provides can be about Education, Health and Social Care. The advice is free, confidential and impartial.

Information, Advice and Support Service,

One Angel Square, Angel Street, Northampton, NN1 1ED

Tel: 01604 364772 (Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 4.30pm)

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